TRIBE Tuesday: Romina Montoto

For today’s TRIBE Tuesday feature we are sharing a super sweet story.

I’m sure many folks out there have similar tales of being told they were not artists as children (gah…just breaks my heart!), but Romina Montoto had the courage to follow her desire to create and reclaim her artist self as an adult.

I believe wholeheartedly that we all have infinite wells of creativity just waiting to be tapped and remembered.

Here’s one story to prove just that…

Video Winners!

I was so touched to see such bravery and vulnerability — and hilarity — in the videos created for my Bloom Trueapalooza giveaways that I wanted to honor the ones that enabled public sharing by sharing them here.

I also had an impossible time choosing just five winners (you all make it so hard!), so I’ve decided to applaud and reward everyone who was brave enough to make a video by gifting all eighteen people a spot in the Bloom True E-Course. Bravery is kind of my jam after all 🙂

TRIBE Tuesday: Lori Tapani + New E-Course Content!

Hello friends! We’re happy to share another Bloom True story with you today for our TRIBE Tuesday feature.

Introducing E-Course student, Lori Tapani…enjoy.

Lori’s Story…

I am so very thankful for the Bloom True class! It was by chance that I noticed Flora’s book and decided to buy it. Once I read the book, I knew that I needed to take the class. This has been my first experience using acrylic paints and I have loved it so much. The act of picking a color or colors that I love and just “going with it” has been so rewarding.