For today’s TRIBE Tuesday feature we are sharing a super sweet story.
I’m sure many folks out there have similar tales of being told they were not artists as children (gah…just breaks my heart!), but Romina Montoto had the courage to follow her desire to create and reclaim her artist self as an adult.
I believe wholeheartedly that we all have infinite wells of creativity just waiting to be tapped and remembered.
Here’s one story to prove just that…
Hi, there! I am Romina Montoto. I live in Argentina and nowadays I am on a
wonderful art journey.
This journey started many years ago, when I was a child and I spent a lot of time playing with my imagination and some colors like this. It doesn’t have a title, but I could call it “Frida Lisa”!
One day, I decided to believe someone that told me that my drawings were awful. I felt so ashamed that I stopped painting and drawing. Perhaps, I as a child, I didn’t know how to deal with criticism.
Fortunately, I’ve worked on it. But I have never drawn again…till two years ago. I studied journalism, got married, had kids, planted a tree and wrote a book… but nothing about painting.
When I was pregnant with my third child, I was so stressed that I felt like drawing again. I looked for my son’s colors and painted my family (my inspiring life).
I did it by heart. I had no knowledge of art. I just focused on my feelings.
Later, I found Flora’s blog and decided to start her Bloom True E-Course. It was great. It was not just about painting but it is about life.
I learned I have to let go to let in, to deal with stuck moments and to feel free doing what I like. I also met a lot of artists in the bloomers group — really enriching!
This is the result:
It took me many years to understand it doesn’t matter what people say. You have to listen to your inner voice.
And like Flora says: In art, “there are no mistakes.”
But I’d like to add, there’s only one mistake: Not trying at all.
I feel free and brave now!
Thank you Romina for sharing your story with us today, and most of all, thank you for following your heart back to your art. Love this pic of you at the beach!
xo flora