Today’s TRIBE Tuesday story is brought to you by Marlene Butteriss, who took my E-Course in June 2012. Marlene’s story is such a powerful reminder to follow your heart when you feel the pull…enjoy!
I bloomed true at 40.
I had been painting, sculpting and creating all of my life, but there was something missing. A friend showed me Flora’s book and I immediately needed to find more.
I couldn’t afford the Bloom True E-Course, but it was 2012 I had just had my 40th birthday and I felt like it was now or never. So I decided to sell a few personal things to raise enough money for the course. I would never normally do such a thing, but I was so touched, moved and inspired by Flora’s work, teachings and simple ways of being, and I felt a yearning rise up that I had never felt before.
It was like someone was whispering declarations of love and beauty into my ear and I knew this was where I had to be.
I had never taken an art course except for a couple of weekend workshops, never studied, and never learned anything about art or painting or technique.
While in Flora’s course I learned about so many skills and tricks and tools. My whole world opened and I gained such a confidence. Even just learning how to finish a canvas was wonderfully empowering.
But more importantly, I learned to be me.
I learned to trust myself, and to express myself fully and unashamedly.
In doing that I began to see, I began to see myself differently and see my skills and talents as gifts and blessings to be shared with the world.
When I experienced this self-expression, my whole world opened up. I bloomed.
Today I am still painting, my life is still full of art and colour and inspiration.
I became a yoga teacher and a marriage celebrant. I run my own business and I live my goal of helping others see their own light shine, through Art, Yoga & Ritual.
I am forever grateful for the gift of self-awareness and inspiration Flora so generously gave in Bloom True.
My life was transformed, and I am B R A V E I N T U I T I V E M E.
More about Marlene is at:
Big thanks to Marlene for sharing her story with us today. If you have your own Bloom True story, we would love to hear from you! Head on over to the TRIBE page for submission information.
xo flora