This week’s TRIBE Tuesday is brought to you by Sharon Lamonica, an awesome bloomer who took my E-Course and then bravely decided to join me at my Bali retreat last Spring. We hope you enjoy her story below!
Let it Go to Let it Flow…
It is said that there are no accidents.
Art was a huge part of my life until my early 20’s until I became completely distracted by corporate jobs and stress. Last year I had a nagging inner voice bugging me to pick up the new issue of Where Women Create magazine since my subscription ran out. I found it in the store and, BAM; the first featured artist was this dynamic woman with gorgeous art dripping from her studio.
I wanted (needed) to know more immediately. As soon as I logged onto the website, I saw there was an online course and I had one last day to sign up. I did and Wow! My creativity was off the chart and I was hooked. Who ever heard of not being tied to the outcome or don’t worry just make random marks? A water bottle? Use black and white paint…What?
When the posting for Bali came up, I felt an uncontrollable pull that I NEEDED to be there and experience this. I didn’t know why, just that this was something I had to do. Once my spot was confirmed, sheer PANIC set in.
I had no idea why I thought I needed to go half way around the world to paint. Why couldn’t I just do it here? I had no clue but that little voice kept nagging at me. YOU NEED TO DO THIS! So I did!
You have to be scared to grow.
From the moment I arrived (insanely jet lagged after 33 hours) I knew this was something special. There was a welcome dinner with a warm reception and really cool goody bags on our beds. It was obvious that so much thought, love and care went into the planning of our experience.
Each and every day I connected to my raw emotions, fears, compassion, gratitude and creativity. I needed to be far, far away in this magical, spiritual place to heal and grow.
Flora gave us the permission and the keys to creative freedom. There was no preaching or limits, we were just FREE to do things however we wanted. I felt this wild crazy bond and sisterhood to all these amazing brave women. We all came from different backgrounds and parts of the world. We all wanted this experience and we all laughed, cried, danced, sang, stretched, swam, ate, got emotional, dared to be brave, and got very dirty in multi-colors of painted freedom.
This experience has touched my heart and empowered my life. I take crazy chances with my art now and jump in to try new things.
I love creating new techniques on the canvas and I just feel so excited for all the creations to come.
Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for this experience and for Flora’s loving guidance, which was shared from the heart. Rachael is an absolute Dynamite Rock Star who was there for anything we needed, and Lynx is a Loving Gem who met us every morning to ground us and guide us through Yoga.
I came away from this experience understanding how to transfer my energy onto the canvas, and that we all need a Tribe to thrive. My biggest AH HA moment was that I came home to realize that I had trusted everyone but myself.
Along with the artwork, I am now collaborating with a friend and creating meaningful empowerment jewelry. Our name is Pure Awakened Energy!!!
Letting go of everything that no longer serves our highest good, makes room to manifest and attract the good things to flow in.
With much Love and Gratitude,
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, Sharon.
It was such a pleasure to spend an amazing week with you in Bali, and I love hearing how the our time together has continued to inspire you…hurray!
If you have a Bloom True story to share with us, we would love to hear from you, so we can share your story here on the blog. Please submit your TRIBE stories here.