This week’s TRIBE Tuesday features the work and story of Jo Roszkowski, a student from my October 2014 E-Course. Enjoy!
Jo’s story…
The first person to really encourage me to make art was my sister.
With her help, I entered a primary school competition and received some (candy) recognition for my work.
The next milestone I remember was midway through secondary school and I had a kind, generous teacher who loved my three-colour lino print of a shell.
In my final year of art at school, the other 3 students in my class could really draw and paint so I chose to do ceramics. The marking panel crucified me as a tender 17 year old (even though a College was prepared to accept me on the strength of that same folio!)
Understandably I left art for a few years then, but after trying other paths, I soon found my way back.
As a 21 year old, I discovered the most wonderful visual arts course where I got to try absolutely EVERY media and I found a tribe of people that I connected with in a life changing way.
I was told by an arrogant lecturer that I ‘wasn’t a painter,’ so I majored in sculpture and eventually became a teacher. Contrary to all expectations, my most creative time was when my children were little and I was at home with them.
It was a playful time and the first time I ever considered myself to be an artist.
Throughout these years of encouragement + discouragement, dead ends and split paths, I always kept a curious mind and a love of learning that kept me going and believing that there is something profound in this in this restless pursuit of self expression.
Flora – your course is such a gift because not only did it present unique, new techniques to me, but it confirmed for me that making art holistically with your body, soul, heart and mind is powerful and brings us closest to our purpose….
Thank you!!!
Big thanks to YOU, JO! Way to follow your heart, again and again, and thank you for allowing me to be one of the guides on your creative journey.
For anyone feeling the call back to their own artistic roots, or perhaps you’ve been waiting all your life to pick up a paintbrush, I invite you to join me for the latest round of the Bloom True E-Course.
We kicked off the first day of class yesterday with a wonderful live online chat with students from all over the globe. It was awesome to feel the collective energy of so many people joining together in the name of ART and exploration. I can’t wait to see this brand new tribe of bloomers bravely step onto their unique creative paths…so much possibility awaits!
Registration will remain open until February 2nd if you want to join the tribe — we’re waiting for you…
xo flora
Have your OWN Bloom True story to share? We would love to feature it here!