Why Do We Make Art? How Do We Stay Inspired?
In The Creative Revolution E-Course, I recently hosted some Live Calls to answer questions, and these two gems recently came up. So good, right? I’m a big believer in asking these poignant questions in order to stay connected to the “why” behind our work and inspiration.
The truth is we all make art for different reasons, and we all find inspiration in unique ways, so it’s important to do some soul searching to find your truth. Here are some questions to get you started:
1. What drew me to making art in the first place? When did I start creating?
2. How do I usually feel when I’m creating?
3. How do I usually feel when I’m not creating?
5. What am I able to express through my art?
6. What parts of me feel strengthened through my art practice?
7. What does “inspiration” feel like in my body?
8. What activities usually lead to feeling more inspired?
9. What people, places, and things inspire me the most?
10. What’s keeping me from making more art?
Sharing My Truth
I really enjoyed pondering these questions myself, and I’d love to share my own, on-the-fly, thoughts with you in the video below.
As you’ll see, I’ve stitched together a few parts of the full-length Live Q + A taken from the Creative Revolution E-Course. Please note, this is a downloaded video from Facebook Live, so the quality is not up to snuff with our regular videos. Please excuse the fuzziness 😉
If you’re craving more creativity in all aspects of your life, with gentle, loving support along the way, The Creative Revolution E-Course is your perfect companion.
In many ways, I created this course because I was seeking my own kind of integrated creativity — the kind that weaves itself into my everyday life, the kind that simply becomes my life.
Featuring 21 mixed-media Creative Exercises, weekly Movement Sequences, Morning and Evening Sanctuaries, and the Art of Aliveness Series, The Creative Revolution E-Course offers a soulful, holistic, and inspiration-packed seven-week journey back home to your creative self.
Read what past students have to say about their experience here, and see their creations here.
With love and support always,
xo Flora