Ever wonder how to find your creative community or what “creative community” actually looks like?
If so, you’re definitely not alone. I think it’s safe to say that most creative folks crave community in one form or another.
For me, community has always been super important. In fact, I’d go so far as to say surrounding myself with fellow “makers” is a crucial part of my well being as an artist.
One of the ways I’ve busted through the artist-toiling-away-alone-in-the-studio myth, is through various forms of collaboration. I’m so passionate/obsessed with the benefits of collaboration, I decided to dedicate the entire March Studio Diary to exploring it.
The Diary is packed with fresh video collaborations, interviews and an exclusive podcast where I answer all sorts of questions about collaboration.
To give you a glimpse, I’m stoked to share (in it’s entirety) this month’s Bonus Couch Chat featuring fellow artist, author and teacher, Mati Rose. Inspired by a group of women artists sitting around a campfire, Mati and I had an impromptu chat about art sisterhood, collaboration and the radical idea that, “There is plenty of everything to go around.”
If you don’t already know Mati, you’re in for a treat!
If you like the video, check out the whole “Collaboration” Studio Diary here!
*Please note this conversation was not filmed with my usual fancy camera and audio equipment since it was totally spontaneous — thank you for understanding!