Some of you have been asking about the future of Studio Diaries now that we are reaching our one-year anniversary, and I’m here with an exciting update for you.
After much consideration and reflection on your feedback, I’ve decided to make a few really exciting shifts in my monthly offering. Starting on November 1st, Studio Diaries will be called The Painting Sessions, and the focus of each month will be on…you guessed it...painting!
Every month, I’ll share a series of fresh videos to demonstrate the creation of a new painting from start to finish. The videos will include insightful guidance and reflections via a voice-over to emulate the experience of being in an in-person workshop.
I will also include my personal reflections on each painting to highlight breakthroughs and ways to incorporate the lessons into your life OFF the canvas. I’ll also continue to include a monthly playlist 🙂
The Painting Sessions FAQs
I’m so excited to share my latest offering, The Painting Sessions, with you starting on November 1st. To give you a better understanding of what to expect and make this transition as smooth as possible, I’ve put together some FAQs below. If you have any other questions, please email us at [email protected]. Hope to see you there!
What are The Painting Sessions, and how do they differ from Studio Diaries?
The Painting Sessions are a monthly offering focusing solely on my Brave Intuitive Painting process, whereas as Studio Diaries explored specific themes from a variety of angles. In each Painting Session, you’ll see a new painting created from start-to-finish with in-depth teaching and reflections on the experience to emulate the experience of being in an in-person workshop.
I will continue to create supportive content such as the Couch Chats, contributions from other artists, podcasts and resources, and this content will become available through other outlets of my business. Stay tuned for more info!
If I already purchased a Studio Diary, will I still have access to it? Can I still buy past Studio Diaries in the future?
Yes! You will continue to have access to all of the Studio Diaries you’ve already purchased through your Monthly Subscription or the a la carte option — they will not go away!
If you’d like to continue purchasing Diaries you have not yet seen, they will continue to be available as either A Year of Diaries for $345, or an a la carte Diaries for $36. The Year of Diaries will be available on November 1st. All a la carte Diaries are available below.
What happens to my Monthly Subscription to Studio Diaries on November 1st?
If you’re currently a Studio Diaries Subscriber and you want to receive The Painting Sessions, you don’t have to do anything! All Studio Diaries Monthly Subscribers will automatically receive The Painting Sessions starting on November 1st, 2016 unless you decide to cancel your membership during the month of October. To access your Painting Sessions, simply log into your account the same way you do for Studio Diaries.
All Studio Diaries Monthly Subscribers will receive an email in October to remind you of this shift.
*UPDATE: Please note, as of November 2017, The Painting Sessions is no longer available as a subscription program.
Why do you recommend the Painting Sessions?
The Painting Sessions offer an amazing opportunity to view the creation of a painting from start-to-finish with loads of helpful guidance along the way. If you could use a little support around starting out, choosing palettes, developing compositions, working with images, exploring abstraction, making bold choices, moving through frustration, staying inspired, and bringing a painting together, The Painting Sessions are for you! I will also reflect on how my work on the canvas supports my life off the canvas each and every month.
In other words, lots to keep you inspired each and every month!
xo flora