This sweet reminder was offered up by my yoga teacher yesterday. In fact, remembering to enjoy the experience was the focus of the entire class. We were given permission to throw away strict yoga “rules” and ideas about what the practice was supposed to look like. Instead, we were encouraged to move and breathe in a way that simply….FELT GOOD.
Ah yes. That.
The simple and powerful reminder to enjoy life, do what feels good, let go of self-imposed pressure, follow curiosity and appreciate what simply IS. Sounds like some pretty sound painting advice I often give my students 🙂
But to be totally honest, I’m needing a bit of my own medicine these days. For months now, I’ve been experiencing strong under-currents of discontent, like something is just….OFF. It took me a solid month to recover and re-integrate after both of my trips to Mexico and Bali, and even after my body and mind were firmly connected back to this time zone, my spirit was weary and my energy was low.
Eager to dive into the root cause of my blues, I started doing some serious soul-searching over the past month: long baths, quiet meditations, raw heart-to-hearts with friends, intense work outs, soulful ceremonies and really honest conversations with myself. I was looking at all the parts of my life and asking myself what I really need to feel whole, happy and peaceful…what needed to shift to feel the way I want to feel? The result came in the form of this crystal clear realization:
(even the word ‘sabbatical’ makes me smile)
After four years of creating, building, renovating, visioning, writing, traveling, teaching, moving and teaching some more, I realize I am burnt out.
Straight up. Classic. Burn Out, otherwise known as “feeling WAY OFF.” Needless to say, I definitely lost track of the “Enjoyment Factor” along the way. Darn it.
But here’s the good news: I’M CATCHING MYSELF! In an epic turning-point-come-to-god-mid-course-correction-holy-epiphany-direct-download-gotta-make-some-serious-shifts kinda way, I’m waking up to what my soul really needs, and what my soul really needs is…
Within days of declaring my need to stay HOME for a year, this adorable muppet-faced doggie walked into my life (thank you Universe), and that pretty much sealed the deal. I love how quickly the Universe responds when we actually get CLEAR about what we really want/need.
Without getting too dog obsessed here (I assure you that’s another post), I will say that Pearl dog feels like a furry white angel who appeared at the most perfect moment.
She arrived right when I need her most…right when I needed to slow down, stay home, prioritize walks in the park, snuggling and GROUNDING OUT. Obviously, she is the perfect buddy for all of this. And, yes, there is also an adorable math teacher who is pretty excited about the new arrangement 🙂
But wait…the magic continues! The day after I found Pearl, I also found a brand new gorgeous studio space in my neighborhood — the PERFECT space for holding local workshops.
I’m signing a three-year lease tomorrow.
So there you have it: Project Ground Out with an emphasis on the “Enjoyment Factor.”
I realize there might be some folks out there who might be disappointed to hear I won’t be teaching in Bali, or Mexico, or ANYWHERE other than Portland next year, but I imagine you also understand. Because, who wants their teacher to show up without a full cup? Not me.
For those of you who have always wanted to visit Portland, OR, you are in luck! I will soon be announcing a wonderful array of new workshop options including a “Master Class” and some more movement based classes (because…look at that dance floor). I’m feeling so excited to embark on this new chapter and to continue sharing my passions with you …
with a FULL cup of course + the Enjoyment Factor in full effect!
***’Project Ground Out’ will officially commence after my trips to Squam and Ireland this September (doggie will be in good hands). There are still some spots open in my Ireland workshops, so if you want to catch an international workshop, this will be your last chance for awhile. Did I mention, I’m teaching in a castle by the sea? Would love to see ya there.
xo flora
“Creativity is maximized when you are living in the moment.”
– as seen on a Lululemon bag