Image: Flora Bowley
One of the big changes I made to my current Bloom True E-course was shifting the theme of Week Two from ‘Play’ to ‘Letting Go.’ The other week’s themes — Intuition, Your Inspiring Life, Being Brave and Blooming True — remain the same, but there was always something about ‘Play’ that never totally resonated with me.
And then it hit me. ‘Play” is simply one way of letting go.
Considering the first third of my book, (Brave Intuitive Painting,) is dedicated entirely to the idea of letting go, you would think this might have translated into my E-Course sooner. Yes, well, apparently, I’m learning right along with everyone here, and all I can say now is that I’m so grateful I made this shift.
The current (amazing, I might add) group of “bloomers” just finished up their week of ‘Letting Go.’ We focused on letting go of what no longer serves our highest good. It was a deep, soulful and often liberating journey for many, including myself. Not only did we let go with paint, but we allowed the idea of letting go to make its way into our daily life as well.
We let go of negative stories, unhealthy habits, regret, anger, shame, the need to control and maybe even some of those clothes we haven’t worn since 1989. We created letting go ceremonies, wrote affirmations and shared our heartfelt stories with the group.
One thing that was really amazing to witness this week was the community support that emerged. So much love, compassion and permission to be authentic going on! I’m loving it, and definitely experiencing a great sense of awe and gratitude for the opportunity to create such a sweet container to hold this deep heartfelt work.
Total dream job.
It seems we (the human race) have quite a bit of letting go to do these days. I suppose this is what waking up, evolving, reclaiming our voices, power and authenticity is all about, ey? I, for one, am ready. What are you ready to let go of? What are you carrying around that is weighing you down? Can you lighten your load by simply…letting go?
Have a beautiful weekend everyone.
xo flora