Sometimes painting feels like a magical, effortless dance of color across the canvas. |
Other times, not so much. In today’s Hey Flora episode, I’m speaking directly to the moments when painting feels straight-up HARD — the times when nothing seems to click and every choice creates more frustration. When I hit those moments of creative block (which I definitely do), I’ve figured out a simple and effective way to break through to the other side, and I’m happy to share it with you today! I also wrote a blog about this very subject called, From Stuck to Feeling it: A Roadmap through Painter’s Block. It’s one of my faves. |
If you have a burning question you’d like me to address in an upcoming episode of Hey Flora, please send it to: [email protected]. I would be happy to share my thoughts with you.
If you missed the past episodes of Hey Flora, you can check those out right here.
With love and support on your creative adventure,
xo flora