I’m happy to say I’ve been on a bit of a painting roll over the past few days. My inspiration has been striking late at night when it’s super quiet and cool and my intention has been to explore new territory, have fun and play. Aaaaaaaaand, guess what? Every time I approach my work with this attitude (ie: not making it MEAN more than simply playing with colors and marks), rad new things seem to transpire. (note to self).
I’ve also been noting how much I continue to re-learn my own lessons pretty much every time I step up to the canvas. Yep. All my best downloads (pardon the woo) come through when I have a brush in hand — or when I’m half asleep in the bathtub. Because of this, I always have a piece of paper next to my palette to capture my fleeting epiphanies. My current paint-splattered paper has these words (of varying profundity) scrawled across it:
Everything actually NEEDS to be transformable, because things rarely turn out how you want/expect.
Not sure ‘transformable’ is actually a word, but you get the idea.
It’s all SACRED.
As in everything we do, feel, say and create.
Continue to ‘try on’ until something fits.
As in painting is like a dressing room.
and perhaps my favorite…
If you’re trying to paint (or live) like anyone else, you’re missing the point entirely.
Enough said.
I’ve been posting some of my new work-in-progress on my Facebook page along with some freshly-inspired Bloom True reflections. I’m really digging these potent little ‘mini lessons’ so I thought I would share them here as well. Hope they inspire!
xo flora
“This painting is a great example of how powerful it can be to make a BOLD commitment. For many layers, I tried on different ways of making marks and various color palettes…never quite sure where it would all lead me, but staying open and curious to what seemed to be working and what was FUN and interesting. Eventually, I needed to commit to SOMETHING to unify the painting and make it more cohesive. I decided to (boldly) add in the big triangle/pyramid shapes along with a lot of greys to quite down some of the chaos…and voila!….the painting finally gelled!” #braveintuitivepainting #boldcommitments #youcandoit
“If you’ve ever taken my class, you know I like to preach about the power of value contrast to make paintings pop, right? Here’s a great example of how to rock the lights and darks by incorporating them strongly next to one anther….be bold!” #workinprogress #braveintuitivepainting #goforit