A very exciting project has been brewing for the past couple of months, and I’m so excited to share it you! In many ways, this project has been ruffling it’s wings for over a year and those wings are finally staring to spread their feathers in ways we can’t even imagine.
The seeds for this project were planted with some casual, yet profound, conversations and napkin scribbles with a couple of my favorite dreamers and inspirationalists. The conversations meandered over many topics, but clear threads wove our stories and desires together. These threads were all about connection, support, collaboration, manifestation and evolution.
In essence, we were talking about NEEDING each other—needing to come together so much so that staying separate no longer felt like an option.
At the beginning of 2013, I declared COLLABORATION and EASE my two words of the year, and I have certainly noticed a collective gravitation among many people in this direction. It seems we are all looking for ways to find more meaning and purpose in life, and at the same time, we are ready (so ready!) to embrace more ease and grace along the way. Are you feelin’ it?
From my perspective, collaboration is a key ingredient in this new story.
Enter in Miss Possibilitarian, Kelly Rae Roberts.
Kelly Rae is truly one of the most inspiring, grounded, motivated and generous humans I have ever known, so when she asked me share a beautiful new studio space with her, I kinda couldn’t say no. I actually didn’t need a new space (already got one of those, thank you very much), but the idea of joining forces with Kelly Rae was, like I said, a little bit irresistible.
As soon as I stepped inside the light-filled room with shiny wood floors and exposed brick, located in the heart of Portland’s lovely Pearl District, I was in love. I could easily envision workshops, gatherings and collaborations being held inside these welcoming walls, and I realized in that moment that *this* was it! This was the space we needed to manifest all those napkin dreams we couldn’t seem to stop talking about. Needless to say…we signed the lease.
Enter in Miss Shamanic Painting Priestess, Pixie Campbell.
Yep, as luck, or the stars, or a million divine forces working in mysterious way would have it, one of my favorite women of all time was about to re-locate to Portland and guess what? She needed a studio space. Well, well, well…what would happen if we added an amazing healer, artist, medicine making shaman to our already awesome crew? I was pretty sure the answer was: PURE MAGIC. After very little convincing, Pixie was in.
Enter in a trip to Bali where Kelly Rae and my dear friend, collaborator and visionary extradordinaire, Lynzee Lynx, fell in love with each other (don’t you just love it when your friends become friends?). Lynx was ready to step into her next big creative adventure and a collaborative studio space seemed the perfect fit. With our fourth shiner perfectly in place…
Soul Shine Studio was officially born.
Kelly Rae, Pixie, Lynx and moi happy as clams hangin’ in our new digs.
In many ways, we have no idea what will actually transpire in our lovely new space. We only know it’s supposed to be happening—Just. Like. This. My crush (OK maybe he’s more than just a crush at this point :)) so perfectly refers to Soul Shine as our “clubhouse” and honestly that is exactly what it feels like—a special place to dream, connect, play and create where imagination, heart and soul hold the keys to the door.
We are opening our soulful doors this coming Friday for a very special Open House. We would love for you to join us at the clubhouse for some fun!
Soul Shine Studio Open House
July 5th, 11am-6pm.
1306 NW Hoyt. St. Portland, OR, Ste 412
*Awakening Creativity * Igniting Community * Radiating Possibility
Hell yeah!
Hope to see you there…
xo flora