It’s such a cozy time of year… the perfect time to snuggle up with some inspiring new podcasts, great music, and a journal.
To support your soulful snuggle, I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite podcast episodes and a brand new “Give Thanks” music playlist. I hope you enjoy it all!
xo flora
PS Don’t miss your two, yes two, downloadable December calendars below. I couldn’t decide which one I liked more, so you get to choose!

Some of My Favorite Podcast Episodes
I’m a podcast junkie, and I’m always so grateful when my friends send me episodes they know I’ll love. I hope you love these wonderful conversations…
On Being with Krista Tippett: Listening to the World with Mary Oliver
Tara Brach Podcast: Survival of the Nurtured – Our Path to Belonging
Highlight Real with Josephine Kimberling: How to See Pain Points as Growth Opportunities with Lisa Congdon
The Good Life Project with Jonathan Fields: Back Into The Light with Elizabeth Gilbert
Design Matters with Debbie Millman: Interview with Artist Shantell Martin
Live Awake with Sarah Blondin: Our Call To Presence
Insights at the Edge with Tami Simon: Gathering as a Form of Leadership with Priya Parker
The Give Thanks Playlist
One of my favorite past times is creating new playlists, and yesterday, I spent a couple luxurious hours on my couch assembling this collection of sixteen uplifting tunes for you — The Give Thanks Playlist!
Please note, you’ll need to have a Spotify account (it’s free) to listen.
I hope you discover some new music you love.
December 2019 Downloadable Desktop Calendars
Click on the image below to download!
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