I hope you’re hanging in there and finding ways to stay grounded and inspired during these transformational times.
I want to share five super simple little reminders that I posted over on my Instagram page a couple of days ago because they seemed to resonate with lots of folks. I hope they’re helpful for you too!
- You don’t need a fancy art studio or lots of space to paint. One little table will do just fine. Candles and music always help.
- You don’t need expensive supplies. You can do so much with watercolors, crayons, pens, glue, random bits of paper, whatever ya got!
- You don’t have to know what you’re doing, like at all. Just start making marks and moving color around and see where it goes. Close your eyes if you’re overthinking. Music helps too. Doodling counts. Practice being gentle with yourself.
- Like so many things that are good for us, starting is often the hardest part. Art buddies make it easier… art zoom date, anyone?
- Creative time is always time well spent. It doesn’t matter what it looks like. Just show up.

A Big Big Thank You!
As many of you know, your donations for the Together Apart replays over the past several months have been 100% going to support the Portland Area Artist Emergency Relief Fund, the Native American Community Response Fund, the Black Resilience Fund, Bumi Sehat, and the Black Visions Collective.
I’m SO HAPPY to share that together we’ve raised a total of $4,831 to be split between these organizations. We’ve also raised an additional $980 for the Black Resilience Fund through the sale of Niema Lightseed’s Medicinal Poetry course over the past few weeks.
If you know me, you know that giving back to communities in need is an important part of both my business and personal value system, and I’m just over the moon to be able to support these organizations during this time.
So again, THANK YOU!
Moving forward, each Together Apart replay will be available for just $18, which includes lifetime access. I hope these sessions will continue to support you moving forward. (If you already purchased replays, you will continue to have access to them for life).
Stay well out there.. and keep creating, friends!
Much love,
xo Flora
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