Oh my. This has been a seriously exciting day. Two pretty major things happened today, both in the category of “dreams coming true” kinda stuff. Interestingly, I’ve been feeling this low grade stress (beneath all the happiness, that is) regarding how to share all this goodness without sounding “braggy” or “too happy.” Blah. blah. blah. This concept of playing my success down or dimming my light to make other people feel better is one that has been really UP for me lately.
I think as a sensitive person who cares deeply for other people’s experiences in the world, I continually see through this filter of inclusivity, humility and grace, at least that is my intention. Then these moments arise when I just want shout about something amazing that has happened from the rooftops, but I’m SUPER aware of how this might land, so I find myself dimming it down.
It’s not that I don’t share my successes. If you get my newsletter or read my Facebook page, you know that I share all kinds of things on a regular basis—I’m kind of a born entrepreneur in that way. I’m just really *aware* of how I do it. And, while I think this awareness is mostly a good thing, I sometimes (like now) just want to say I’M REALLY FREAKING EXCITED ABOUT THIS! And, I’M PROUD OF MYSELF! And, I’VE WORKED REALLY REALLY HARD FOR ALL THIS!!! And, I DESERVE IT. Wow. Ok, I’ll stop yelling now, but…
geez. that felt good.
Thank you for letting me celebrate. Or, I guess I should actually thank myself for letting me celebrate..ha! However, it’s way more fun to celebrate with you, so thank you for celebrating with me. You can just imagine the happy dance that goes along with all that shouting…cuz you KNOW there is one happening on this rainy Portland night!
Ok, now that I’ve gotten all that residual baggage off my chest, do want to hear about the cool things that happened today? 🙂 If so, keep on reading…
I received the samples of my very own fabric line in the mail. The line is called, “Illuminate” and it’s being produced by Red Rooster Fabrics. You can see me dorking out with one of the patterns above, because, woah, wouldn’t this make a really cute dress? Just sayin’. Below is a picture of the whole line. It will all be available for all your sewing needs by the end of the year. BTW, I can barely sew a button on a shirt, so I might have to commission ya’ll for a few things.
The other super duper exciting thing that happened today (and this is very “hot off the press”) is that Kelly Rae Roberts (see my Ode to her here) and I committed to leasing this gorgeous studio space in Downtown Portland for the next twelve months. For the past year, the two of us have been scheming and dreaming up all kinds of workshops and gatherings we would love to host (think: women, tea, chocolate, pillows, candle light, wine, deep connecting, yoga, painting, writing, dancing, cross-pollinating, playing, truth telling, and on and on…you get the idea). We figured having an actual SPACE would make our actual dreams come TRUE, so we took the leap! It’s a pretty big leap, but it feels so so right in our hearts. We can hardly wait to make some magic happen here. Want to join us?
*Note to self: It’s interesting to notice how damn good it feels to just SHINE and BE HAPPY without apologies. Must remember that.
This brings me to the end of Day #5. I’m actually pretty exhausted from all the excitement today. Thank you following along and being so amazing and supportive as I work through my fears, share my epiphanies and celebrate my dreams coming true LIVE on this blog. I’ve been loving all your comments so much…they seriously bring me to tears sometimes.
I’ll sign off with one of my very favorite quotes of all time, also found on the last page of my book. So appropriate. So good.
Keep shining bright out there, and don’t forget to shout it from the rooftops once in awhile. xo flora
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
—Marianne Williamson