Well, well, well…what do you know? Seems the topic of shining and celebrating (ala yesterday’s post) was a topic many of you could relate to. It was awesome to read all your supportive comments and it got me thinking about this SHIFT that appears to be happening. It seems to me, that after many many years (eons perhaps?) of playing ourselves down and believing internal and external stories about being small and not worthy of success, we are arriving at a new threshold. In this particular time and place of aliveness, there seems to be a NEED rapidly bubbling to the surface of our awareness. It’s a deep desire to express ourselves fully, to recognize and follow our heart’s longing, to step powerfully onto our soul’s higher path and to do the work we are meant to do in this lifetime. In this longing, there is simply no room for old stagnant stories of smallness to exist because these stories will only get in our way and take up our precious energy.
Do you feel me?
I’m not really sure where I’m going with this—again, this is a very LIVE experiment without a lot of editing or filtering (or conclusions in this case :)), but I just love thinking about how human consciousness is literally SHIFTING right before our very eyes. What an amazing time to be alive. Can you just imagine what our world might look like if we all accepted our greatness and gifts and decided to put them into action for the greater good? Yowza.
I want to live in THAT world.
OK, signing off with another one of my fave quotes…xo flora
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
-Howard Thurman