Today’s post will be short and sweet—just a little peak into the current state of affairs in my studio. There’s a lot going on in here! I’m experiencing one of those rare and precious periods of time when my inspiration is flowing effortlessly and everything that is emerging on my canvas feels new and exciting. This is definitely NOT the case all the time, so I am savoring these moments with all my being. I’m also allowing myself to JUST PLAY and experiment which is certainly my favorite way to create, but again, not always the easiest groove to get into. One new thing I’m doing is cutting up potatoes to make stamps—old school style! The new stamping has brought a whole different layer of information to my work and I’m becoming really addicted to these little potatoes…whatever did I do without them? 🙂
Another reason I’m feeling so inspired is that I’m painting for the sake of painting (as in not for a show or a commission). It’s been awhile since I’ve had this luxury and it’s been reminding me of my early days of painting when I just *had* to create because my soul needed it, not because my gallery needed it. This is such a distinct feeling, and simply one of the BEST feelings I know. For me, it feels like something is bubbling up that needs to to be released…to be set free. My job is to get the hell out of my own way and allow that thing—whatever it is—to emerge. It’s like clearing a pathway for the unknown which I find to be very exciting territory.
I’m also really into things being EASY and SIMPLE right now. If it feels difficult, I let it go. If it flows, I follow.
So simple.
And, yet so easy to NOT DO. Hmmmm? What would happen if we really truly listened to our soul’s calling and allowed our expression to be simple, easy and from the heart? Even for five minutes?
Let’s all give it a try, shall we?
xo flora