Real Time Live:
Volume Seven



A Supportive Place to Practice

Find out more about Real Time Live.


Real Time Live: Volume Seven explores the questions: “How do you move through creative blocks?” and “How do you stay inspired?”  I share my favorite ways to mix things up, manage time commitments, and bring a sense of curiosity, play, and FUN back into the painting process. If you ever feel stuck or uninspired in your creative practice, this one’s for you!

Every Volume of Real Time Live includes:

▪ Access to a 2-hour live-streamed studio date (replay) with me
▪ An abundance of inspiration, tips, tricks, and encouragement
▪ Guided live movement and meditations
▪ An awesome reason to show up and paint!

Your Volume Seven Treasure Box includes:

▪ “New Tools, New Marks” (video)
▪ “Couch Chat with Shiloh Sophia” (video)
▪ “30 (Totally Doable) Creative Prompts” ( downloadable PDF)
▪ Links to my favorite podcasts and books
▪ Downloadable art just for you
▪ A brand new music playlist some of my favorite quotes

Together is better!