Real Time Live:
Volume Nine



A Supportive Place to Practice

Find out more about Real Time Live.


If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed or under-inspired by what kinds of shapes or imagery to add to your paintings, this volume of Real time Live is for you! While there are infinite ways to seek and develop a meaningful “visual language,” it’s easy to get stuck in imagery ruts. In Real Time Live: Volume Nine, I’m joined by co-facilitator, Lynzee Lynx, to share how we find images that feel true to us and how we add them to our paintings in a variety of unique ways. If you’re excited to expand your repertoire of shapes and images, we hope you’ll join us!

Every Volume of Real Time Live includes:

▪ Access to a 2-hour live-streamed studio date (replay) with me
▪ An abundance of inspiration, tips, tricks, and encouragement
▪ Guided live movement and meditations
▪ An awesome reason to show up and paint!

Your Volume Nine Treasure Box includes:

▪ A video about “Collecting Meaningful Inspiration From Your Life”
▪ A video about “Visual Riffing” 
▪ A video about “A History of My Painting Journey”
▪ A video about “Gathering Inspiration Through Photography”
▪ A writing exercise to explore “Your One-Of-A-Kind Life”
▪ “The Basket Mandala Meditation” audio track
▪ My curated list of books, quotes, and podcasts
▪ Fresh downloadable art just for you
Real Time Live Volume Nine music playlist

Together is better!