[Image: Zipporah Lomax]
After a pretty major spin around the world (aka: my trip to Bali), I am now cozied back up in my Portland studio — favorite mug in hand, favorite tunes playing on my ipad and an epic amount of stories and thoughts to share…soon. As I allow my experiences in Bali to sink in a little more deeply, I want to take a minute to share with you a very special book.
The Declaration of You!, is written by two superstar ladies (and lovely friends of mine), Jessica Swift and Michelle Ward. I’m really proud of them for putting together such a beautiful and important book, because it dives right into the heart of a conversation I seem to be having so much lately. It’s that one about…
Figuring out what makes you come alive and how the hell to make that into a job.
Seriously folks, this conversation is UP right now and for good reason. From my perspective, it seems we are collectively waking up from an old story that goes something like: “I can’t make money doing what I love. Living passionately is for someone else. Everything’s been done. Work is hard. Life is hard. Blah, blah, blah…” Sound familiar?
Our new story looks something like: “I have an amazing gift to offer the world. My gift is important. My gift is unique. My gift can be translated into a prosperous job. The world will be a better place when I generously offer my gift.” Sounds a bit better, yes? YES! From my point of view, we are collectively ready to step into this new empowered way of living, and I’m so grateful books like, The Declaration of You! are available to help guide the way.
[Image: Zipporah Lomax]
Personally, my story has always included the passion piece, but never the financial success reality. For better or worse (I’m gonna go with better here), I was born with a deep need to always pursue my passions…at all costs. By the time I was 19, I decided I was going to make a living as a painter. Um…does that sound crazy to anyone else, because it sure sounds crazy to me now! However, as I look back, I am so grateful for my wide-eyed optimism and passionate need to follow my heart. Without those two ingredients (and a few others like hard work, commitment and integrity), I would certainly not be typing this to you now.
One thing I find extremely interesting is how all my passions — painting, dance, yoga, music, meditation, spirituality, personal transformation, intuition and bravery— are now completely woven together into what I call “my offering or gift” (aka: my workshops, online course, paintings and book). It seems incredibly obvious to me now, but I swear I never saw it coming. I always thought my passion for making art and my passion for spiritual growth were totally separate quests in this lifetime.
Little did I know that by following all my passions with such heartfelt dedication, I was also creating my dream job along the way — a unique job just for me.
In The Declaration of You!, Jessica and Michelle, make up a word they call “Uniquity.” I get this word. I get it on a soul level and I get how important it is these days. In a world where every kind of information is so easily at our fingertips, it is becoming more and more crucial to step back, examine and cultivate the passions that make YOU truly come alive. What makes your hearts sing? What do you have to do in order to feel whole and fed? What do you look forward to doing everyday? What kind of people and things do you want to be surrounded by? Essentially, what makes you…you?
These are the kinds of questions Jess and Michelle are asking in The Declaration of You! …and I’m so glad they are.
The Declaration of You! will be published by North Light Craft Books this summer. This post is part of The Declaration of You’s BlogLovin’ Tour, which I’m thrilled to participate in alongside over 100 other creative bloggers. Check it out!