

A Supportive Place to Practice

Find out more about Real Time Live.


Real Time Live Volume Twelve is the final episode of this twelve-month series! It has been such a pleasure to connect with you here for an entire year of art dates. For our last gathering, I revisit a few of the paintings I worked on in past Real Time Live episodes, show you the paintings that I started here and finished on my own, and I also demonstrate how I seal, sign and add wires to my paintings. I’ll also answer questions about the business of art in this episode.

Every Volume of Real Time Live includes:

▪ Access to a 2-hour live-streamed studio date with me
▪ An abundance of inspiration, tips, tricks, and encouragement
▪ Guided live movement and meditations
▪ A private, global, creative Facebook community
▪ An awesome reason to show up and paint!

Your Volume Twelve Treasure Box includes:

▪ “What Can Love Do?” (video)
▪ “Beginning a Large Painting on Unstretched Canvas” (video)
▪ “How To Find Inspiration From Other Artists?” (video)
▪ “Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Stuck” (downloadable PDF)
▪ Links to my favorite podcasts and books
▪ Downloadable art just for you
▪ A brand new music playlist
▪ My latest collection of favorite quotes

I’ll paint along with you, share my latest inspirations, offer tips and tricks, answer your questions, and support you on your creative journey from the comfort of your own home. If you miss the live gathering, you will have lifetime access to the replay!

Together is better!