Begin Here

WELCOME! We’re so excited to begin this journey with you, but before we start, we want to share a few insights to support your style seeking adventures. Please make sure to read through the important information on this page before you begin the rest of the course. Thank you again for being here! PACING: How…

To access this content, you must purchase Fresh Paint: Buddy Pass or Fresh Paint: Lifetime Access, or log in if you are a member.

Series One

FRESH PAINT: SERIES ONE Setting the Stage WELCOME. We’re so glad you decided to join us here for this potent adventure of uncovering and rediscovering your unique creative style. Your interest in being here is so important. Making the time and space for this course really says so much about your dedication to your creative practice.…

To access this content, you must purchase Fresh Paint: Buddy Pass or Fresh Paint: Lifetime Access, or log in if you are a member.

Series Two

FRESH PAINT: SERIES TWO Gathering Inspiration From Your Internal Landscape WELCOME. In a time where information and imagery are so readily available, it’s increasingly important to find balance by consciously sourcing inspiration from within yourself and your own lived experience. Turning inwards and taking the time to remember who you’ve always been and what you’ve…

To access this content, you must purchase Fresh Paint: Buddy Pass or Fresh Paint: Lifetime Access, or log in if you are a member.

Series Three

FRESH PAINT: SERIES THREE Gathering Inspiration From Your External Landscape WELCOME. Series Two invited you to soulfully explore your internal landscape, and in this series, you’ll have the chance to turn your lens of “noticing” to the world around you. It’s easy to move through life without really seeing, especially when life starts to feel…

To access this content, you must purchase Fresh Paint: Buddy Pass or Fresh Paint: Lifetime Access, or log in if you are a member.

Series Four

FRESH PAINT: SERIES FOUR Gathering Inspiration Through New Materials WELCOME. In this series, we’ll introduce you to an exciting array of some of our favorite art materials we affectionately call the Art Salad Bar — an inspiring buffet to satisfy your creative cravings! You may recall from the beginning of the course that the eighth…

To access this content, you must purchase Fresh Paint: Buddy Pass or Fresh Paint: Lifetime Access, or log in if you are a member.

Series Five

FRESH PAINT: SERIES FIVE Gathering Inspiration From Color and Pattern WELCOME. We’re very excited to share this series with you because it’s all about one of our greatest loves — color! As you’ll hear in the video, we like to think of colors as “friends” — friends who we have the pleasure of getting to…

To access this content, you must purchase Fresh Paint: Buddy Pass or Fresh Paint: Lifetime Access, or log in if you are a member.

Series Six

FRESH PAINT: SERIES SIX Gathering Inspiration From Other Artists WELCOME. It’s very natural to be inspired by other artists. This kind of creative exchange is something we’ve seen throughout history, and today it’s even easier to experience the work of other artists. It’s all right there on social media ready for your scrolling pleasure. The…

To access this content, you must purchase Fresh Paint: Buddy Pass or Fresh Paint: Lifetime Access, or log in if you are a member.

Series Seven

FRESH PAINT: SERIES SEVEN Finding Inspiration In Freedom WELCOME. It’s time to play, friends! This series serves as a big ol’ reminder to stay connected to your freedom. The way we see it, making art provides a wonderful playground to practice a more fluid, spontaneous, and free way of being. The more we flex those…

To access this content, you must purchase Fresh Paint: Buddy Pass or Fresh Paint: Lifetime Access, or log in if you are a member.

Studio Sessions

PRE-RECORDED STUDIO SESSIONS WITH FLORA + LYNX Welcome! Below you’ll find a treasure trove of previously recorded live studio sessions. Our intention with these sessions is to provide an opportunity to share inspiration, answer questions, paint along with you, and offer additional support. xo flora + lynx   NOVEMBER LIVE STUDIO SESSION (sorry for the…

To access this content, you must purchase Fresh Paint: Buddy Pass or Fresh Paint: Lifetime Access, or log in if you are a member.