There are so many wonderful new art books coming out these days—it's awesome. I love that artists are getting a chance to offer the world their unique perspectives and techniques and that so many students are able to learn from these inspiring people—inpiration at our fingertips! I recently had the pleasure of reading Traci Bautista's newest book, "Doodles Unleashed." I must say, after page one, I was feeling all sorts of inspired. As a semi-traditional painter—you know, I use paint and brushes and that's pretty much it, I was really inspired by Traci's use of so many different materials to make marks, stamps and stencils. I'm thinking, "Geez. I need to mix it up!"
I also love Traci's encouraging words and "just go for it" attitude. This is something I bring into my own workshops, so it was great to see another artist whole-heartedly giving so much permission. Sometimes I think that's all we need—permission to start, permission to explore and permission to figure it out as we go. Amen.
I have yet to meet the author of this lovely book, but her good energy oozes off the pages and I hope our creative paths cross one of these days soon. For now, I will keep picking up her book when I need a bit of inspiration and a reminder to keep exploring in new ways. Even though I preach that kind of exploration, it is so damn easy to forget! Thanks ,Traci, for reminding me and for creating such a wonderful book. I'm sure it will inspire many.