As a creative facilitator, watching people find their unique style is absolutely the most satisfying thing to witness.
I have no interest in creating a bunch of “mini-me” painters, because, for me, the whole point of creating is to tap into a more meaningful, authentic, and true way of expressing. It’s also just so much more fun to create from a place of personal intuitive freedom!
That said, I’m so delighted to share some of the unique + soulful paintings created by my retreat participants over the past few days.
Lynx and I have been teaching this in-person retreat about finding your style for the past three years, and we’re consistently blown away by the results. Inspired by the retreats, we decided to create an online course based on our tried and true curriculum, plus bonus goodies, of course, always bonus goodies 😉
The new course is called Fresh Paint. If you’re inspired to discover and develop your own unique artistic style or simply move into some new exciting territory with your work, we would love to have you join us and see what amazing things YOU create!
Here’s a sampling of what our retreat participants created. All the paintings are approximately 9″ x 8″ mixed media on watercolor paper, which is the same format we’ll be working on in the online course. Enjoy!