I must admit that trying to convey the magnitude of magic that was present during our week-long workshop in Mexico is a little daunting, but here goes…
Yep, that's San Miguel de Allende, a beautiful gem of a city nestled in the Sierra Madres Mountains and fondly referred to as El Corazon de Mexico (the heart of Mexico). To be honest, I had surprisingly never heard of this magical land until I received an email from Miss Rebecca Brooks about eight months ago. Rebecca was keen on taking a Bloom True workshop, but alas, they were all full. Was I interested in teaching a workshop in Mexico, she wondered? One sparkly converation later, (we were kindred spirits for sure), it was ON…a workshop born out of TRUST, a desire to follow our soul's longing and no small amount of BRAVERY.
Arriving from four countries, ages 35-83, fourteen brave women gathered together for seven dreamy days in the sunny courtyard of Casa Carmen, the oldest bed and breakfast in San Miguel…can you say charming? It's no surprise to me that this workshop attracted such a special group of women. We were all there for the same reasons—to gift ourselves seven days of pure creative time, to meet like minded people, to explore a beautiful city and perhaps the most important reason—to dive into our own personal journeys of letting go, stepping into the unknown and embracing ourselves with MORE LOVE and MORE JOY…yes please!
Our days together were deeply soulful—with the perfect balance of laughter and tears. Each day started in a circle where we settled in, eyes closed, hearts open and birds singing. Then we talked. We talked about art, of course, but the conversations often widened to hold our stories of personal awakenings, tips on letting go, favorite books and ways to move through fear and accept what IS. As the official teacher, you might imagine that I was doing most of the talking—oh no! I simply created the container for this amazing group of women to share their unique perspectives and their wise wise words. I'm sure I learned just as much as everyone else during those circles!
Morning circle…photo by Michael Murnane
Fueled by inspiring quotes, positive affirmations, painting demos, time spent sketching and writing, great playlists and fresh jugo, we painted up a storm for about five hours each day. We made repeat trips back to the local art supply store to re-stock on our lucious jars of vibrant Mexican paint—the colors were AMAZING! Our evenings were spent exploring the colorful streets of San Miguel, eating in the hundreds of great restaurants (the rooftops were my fave) and doing some sweet bonding with our fellow bloomers. I think everyone would agree that it was a very BLISSFUL time.
*Check out more gorgeous photos and beautiful words by Miss Andrea Scher right HERE.
Yummy paints…photo by Michael Murnane
For me, the most amazing thing about this workshp was the TIME we had—time to really sink into the process, to explore many ways of approaching FOUR big canvases, to let go into the luxurious hours of creating freely with nobody telling us to stop or to clean up or to…go home. This was the key! I know my approach to painting (not knowing what will happen before you start…totally letting go…embracing the unknown) can bring up all sorts of emotions which often opens doors into news ways of being. And THIS, my friends, takes time…sweet deep time. You can be sure I will be offering more of these longer format workshops. I think I'm addicted.
"Papel Picado" my Mexican demo painting
Now that I'm firmly planted back in THIS reality (not such a bad one, I must say), it's time to put some final shiny touches on my Bloom True E-Course…it starts on Monday and I can hardly wait to unveil this exciting new project to you (there are still a few spots open if you want to jump aboard in the final hour!)
Exploring San Miguel…photo by Andrea Scher
xo, flora