Brave Intuitive Painting Signed Copy
Techniques for Uncovering Your Own Unique Painting Style
Released in May 2012, Brave Intuitive Painting has sold over 80,000 copies worldwide.
Offering a heartfelt and unique perspective on the creative process, this beautiful and inspiring book encourages both novice and professional painters to “let go, be bold and unfold” as they move through fear and welcome joyful spontaneous expression back into the creative process.
Honored as the #1 selling painting book on Amazon for a month after its release, this groundbreaking book presents a soulful and transformational approach to painting (and living) that celebrates intuition, connects body, mind and spirit and begs you to be brave!
Encouraging Content
- Learn techniques for working with vibrant color and avoiding mud.
- Make rich and varied marks with a variety of unexpected tools
- Break compositional rules
- Embrace non-attachment as a way to keep exploring
- Keep momentum by moving your body and staying positive
- Work with what’s working to let go of struggle
- Connect more deeply to the world around you to stay inspired
- Embrace layers to create rich complex paintings
- Find rhythm by spiraling between chaos and order
Product Details
7 in stock