I’m happy to share my very first collaborative mural project created in collaboration with a wonderful group of kids at Taman Permata Hati Orphanage in Ubud, Bali.
I’m happy to share my very first collaborative mural project created in collaboration with a wonderful group of kids at Taman Permata Hati Orphanage in Ubud, Bali.
One of the most meaningful days of my recent retreat in Bali was our Giveback Day, and I’m so happy a little bit about it with you here.
I’ve been home from my month-long trip to Bali for exactly one week, and I gotta say TIME is so strange when flying halfway around the globe is part of the deal. In some ways I feel like I was just there, but mostly it feels like a distant exotic dream. You know how that goes…
Anyhooo, my trip was lovely. Bali is lovely. My students were awesome and many thresholds were crossed. I know I’ve said it before, but AGAIN, I can hardly believe I get to do this work in the world…and all over the world at that.
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Discover the freedom of self-expression and reconnect with your most vibrant, authentic self. Unlock 15% on soulful creative courses, and brighten your days with 12 unique downloadable desktop calendars.