I consider Flora a soul sister, a fellow truth teller, and ​deeply inspired seeker. She has a true gift for teaching, helping others to discover and unleash their unique creative voice. She also has ​an exceptional talent for gathering beautiful kindred spirits together, igniting connection and belonging.

Kelly Rae Roberts

What I appreciate about Flora, besides her amazingly lush and heart-filling art, is her willingness to show up fully as who she is, and to share that fullness as an artist and teacher. It’s that authentic modeling that I cherish and that inspires me to create.

Jennifer Louden

Not only has Flora taught me how to put color on a canvas, she’s also taught me so many lessons about life: how to let go of what I *think* I need, how to take big, scary risks, and how to stay present and be open to what life might bring me. Her enchanting process is a gift to any creative who yearns for more, and it will leave you feeling both grounded in your present and fired-up for what’s to come.

Tiffany Han

Flora is a kindred sister of paint and in life. I have felt honored to be a part of her world, and to witness her creative fire and gifts in action. She is a pure fountain of inspiration. Her instincts are paramount: a clear, strong, wild and incredibly talented artist.

Alena Hennessy

Flora is not only a talented painter, she is a generous teacher. She actively helps others find and activate creative expression. This is her most far-reaching gift.

Lisa Congdon

Flora is a prolific creator and is committed to opening inner portals through process painting. Her paintings bring to life what is most beautiful inside of her, and they’re also a reflection of how she experiences the world. Her work causes us to shift from external perceptions to the inward jungle of our own spirited natures; helping us to recognize that we, too, desire a wild life of color and movement.

Pixie Lighthorse

Flora brings her heart and soul into all she does. Her creative vision takes form in a thousand different ways. It’s why I love her work and why I love working with her. Integrity, commitment, inspiration, wisdom and love is what you get with her, time and time again.

Jen Gray Blackburn

Being in the presence of Flora, whether you are a friend, a student, or a peer, means that you always find yourself surrounded by acceptance, warmth and calm. Flora is a conversation, a wisdom that is both enchantingly ancient and fiercely contemporary. There is that graceful aura about her that makes you feel you belong, that you are a part of, that we are all here together for silently agreed-upon reasons.

Orly Avineri

The moment I walked into Flora’s studio, I knew there was something magical, something transformational at play. It wasn’t because it was a stunning creation dreamspace. It was because you could feel it infused with the energy of this wild woman who had flung away the shadows of any doubt and stepped into light of knowing her path … and was fiercely walking it.

Every time I have painted or sat in counsel with Flora, the days that followed unfolded mystically for me. She possesses a power: it’s all love, all surrender, all presence. Just being in the same space with her is permission giving for accepting the innate bravery of your own magnificent and creative being. She is a space holder for people who are transforming their lives.

Marybeth Bonfiglio

I attended the retreat with my heart wide open, hoping to experience this exact thing. The studio is so beautiful and the aesthetic stirs creativity. The staff was sincere, supportive and helpful, with amazing, gorgeous food, beverages, music and stations waiting with darling carts. Flora is grounded in wisdom and she gently guides you to the joy of consciousness through art. Everything feels like love was put into it. I’m so uplifted and inspired. I feel like I’m a better person from being around so much intention, presence and nurturing.

I will take the memories of these past four days, and relive them again and again as a favorite experience in my life.

I am so inspired and grateful. Flora and her gifts were made for my heart’s deepest wishes. I feel so very lucky! Thank you!

Kathy Price