It’s time for a little show and tell.
Watching folks from all over the world getting fired up about making art in new ways and inviting more creativity into all aspects of their lives makes my heart super happy.
Today I’m excited to give you a little peek inside the revolution by sharing some of the words and creations of my students.
Wishing you inspiration and ease,
xo flora
Banner image by Effy Wild.

Visual Riffing by Raphaelle Cox.

Watercolor Meditation by Briana Goetzen.

Watercolor Meditation by Robbi Rucker.
“Watercolors are the newest and simplest go to for me, since Creative Revolution began. Mixing it all up has led me to creative discoveries. I never know what’s going to happen next, but the materials are at my beck and call and easy access makes getting busy with art making my daily practice”
-Gail Butters Cohen
“I wanted to let you know that I feel the Creative Revolution E-Course is brilliant! I take a lot of online classes, and the expressive arts is what I do daily in my own small business, Orange Spiral Arts. There is definitely something magical about Flora’s gentle guidance, as well as the participant discussions after each exercise. I also adore the additional meditation pieces, live drumming, and music playlists.
I know we are only into week 1, but I had to let you know how grateful and thrilled I am to be participating virtually. Thank you to everyone who helped put this wonderful online class into the world!“
– Briana Goetzen

Musical Lines by Mathilde Berry.

Visual Riffing by Wendy Kieffer Shragg.

Watercolor Meditation by Kim Roelofs.
“I love the watercolor meditation exercise and I have enjoyed all the First week exercises with my two boys. They love it too!“
-Youki Kato
“The Creative Revolutionary E-Course is opening me up to new ways of approaching art and creativity. Rather than to feel stuck and frustrated with art, I’m now giving myself permission to play, experiment and not get hung up about results. The Morning Sanctuary sessions are helping me set the tone for the day and make the changes for a more mindful and nourishing day. Flora is a first class teacher-so generous….I have been looking for her for ages! “
– Julia Stirling

Musical Lines by Sandra Filer.

Watercolor Meditation by Jutta Paulisch.

Musical Lines by Gail Butters Cohen.
“I am loving what I have been playing with so far, and I’m being gentle with myself knowing that the E-Course is available for 6 months (and I don’t have to complete everything each week!). I am eager to dip into all the creative wells you are offering, Flora. I also love witnessing the process of the artists who are so present in the videos.“
-Mary Alice Long
“This is the first time I used watercolors. This course gives me the opportunity to really try and not to be afraid, and I also enjoy being part of this huge community of wonderful creative people. I have always had a blockage for painting although I am a very creative person. Now I feel I want to paint more and more. I have no words to thank you, Flora, for this wonderful opportunity and for creating a course that makes it so easy for us to flow. I am waiting for all that is to come. I am very happy.“
-Gitel Zaks

Musical Lines by Julie Brooks.

Watercolor Meditation by Effy Wild.

Musical Lines + Watercolor Meditation by Lisa Bowen Barker.
“I signed up for myself, to remind myself about fun, spontaneity and intuitive creativity, as I have just finished a big exhibition which was very serious. But this week, what has happened is family therapy and healing as my younger kids gathered for ‘musical lines’ on Sunday morning. In the midst of our chaotic fragmented lives we played and created, connected and had such a beautiful hour or two immersed in ‘that Flora Bowley course you’re always talking about mum!’ “
-Henrietta Job