30-Day Blog Love Affair:: Day #16!

After the heaviness of yesterday’s news, I’m going to keep today’s post pretty and sweet by sharing a few photos I took today on my annual trip to visit the blooming magnolia trees in Hoyt Arboretum. There is a very special window of time when the entire grove of magnolia trees is exploding with pink…


30-Day Blog Love Affair:: Day #13!

I’ve been thinking a lot about DREAMS lately…not so much the kind I have in my sleep (although that might be a whole different post..woah). I’m talking about the kind of dreams I have in my waking hours. “Daydreams” if you will, but not the kind of daydreams I have while I’m staring off into…


30-Day Blog Love Affair:: Day #12!

Spring has definitely SPRUNG here in Portland and it’s all I can do to not drool all over the amazing flowers blooming everywhere. I rode my bike across town today listening to Sigur Ros on my headphones, allowing my intuition to lead the way. I have an exercise on my online course called, “Intuitive Wandering” that is all about wandering (walking, biking, even driving) without a plan.


2013 :: Thank You + Good Bye

I’ve always had a thing for New Year’s Eve. Even when I was little, I felt a strange mandatory pressure to stay up until the apple dropped in New York City…while the rest of my family was fast asleep. Alone with the T.V., I would do a little New Year’s dance, watch the crowds of…



Friends. I’ve noticed something about humans these days, and I’m guessing you’ve noticed it too. Whenever we have a spare moment that’s not filled with some kind of stimulation, we reach for our devices to fill the space. I’ve been working hard to set up new boundaries and create healthier patterns around my relationship to technology, and I’m happy to share some of my tricks with you today.



In the wake of last week’s election results, a couple of my artist friends gathered together. Collectively, we were reeling from all the emotions, and asking each other, “What can we do? How can we make a difference? How can we, as artists, stand for inclusivity and love when such intense hate and fear is sweeping the nation?”
