Cozy Up With 20 Inspiring Podcasts
If you’re looking for some fresh podcast action, I’ve got ya covered with some of my favorites, as well as some of your favorites compiled from a recent Facebook post on this very topic.
DetailsIf you’re looking for some fresh podcast action, I’ve got ya covered with some of my favorites, as well as some of your favorites compiled from a recent Facebook post on this very topic.
DetailsWho’s ready for a brand new year? I am. I am! I believe that strengthening our brave, intuitive muscles (both on and off the canvas) is more important than ever before, so to give you a little jumpstart of creative inspiration I’m happy to share some of my favorite videos with you.
DetailsI’m happy to let you all know that Episode Three of The Painting Sessions is ready to roll, and it’s a goooood one! Enjoy this sneak peek.
DetailsI gotta be honest with you, I haven’t felt super inspired to paint for the past few years. Yikes, I said it. However, I have been examining what kinds of shifts might get me back in the flow. I can’t wait to share my breakthroughs with you!
DetailsI believe shifting creative gears is an essential part of staying inspired and developing your own unique style. Discover a fun creative exercise in today’s video in my blog!
DetailsI’ve never been able to sit still for very long, and if you’ve ever watched me paint, you’ve probably noticed I like to dance my way across the canvas. I made a little video to offer you a Mini Movement Exercise to play with right now!
DetailsWith the constant tsunami of information coming at us these days, creating personal “sanctuaries” to refuel is essential. Learn more in today’s blog!
DetailsI’m happy to share a little sneak peek of Episode Four of The Painting Sessions. This painting was inspired by all the little paintings I’ve been doing at home lately. I started the first layer by using an exercise I call, Musical Lines, and it definitely provided a pretty exciting breakthrough for me!
DetailsIt’s one thing to paint, sing, or dance (an AMAZING thing, of course!), but it’s a whole different ball of wax to weave your creative spirit into every aspect of your life. Learn more inside!
DetailsToday, I’m sharing a little sneak peek inside my new Creative Revolution E-Course to give you an idea about what it looks and feels like.
DetailsIt’s time for a little show and tell. The first week of the Creative Revolution E-Course has been so fantastic! And today I’m excited to give you a little peek inside the revolution by sharing some of the words and creations of my students.
DetailsIn this session, I dive into my Brave Intuitive Painting Process. As always, there were many unexpected twists and turns along the way, and I’m happy to share it all with you in this month’s Painting Session.
DetailsThere comes a time when you need to share the goods. That’s what today’s blog is all about — my own little curated list of goodies that are invigorating, inspiring, and generally soothing my soul lately. Enjoy!
DetailsLast year, I was asked to give my first public speech. Since LOVE was the theme, I decided to share (for the first time publicly) my story of hitching a ride to New Orleans and doing six-months of disaster relief work on the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina — all while living in a makeshift tent. Listen to the whole story here.
DetailsThis episode of The Painting Sessions offers a fun departure from the past six episodes. The whole experience was one big playful experiment. I hope you enjoy this video sneak peek!
DetailsAs a creative guide, I often hear people express a deep desire to find their unique style of artistic expression, and I understand. To support you on this journey, I’ve put together a list of ten simple things you can do right now to unearth and nourish your one-of-a-kind creative expression.
DetailsFor the past seven years, I’ve been pouring my heart into the creation of four innovative online courses, and I’m truly so proud of each and every one of them. Each one is unique, and today I’ll guide you through choosing the perfect course for you!
DetailsWhy do we make art? How do we stay inspired? Today in my blog I share a series of prompts to dive deeper into these questions, and my personal reflections in the video inside.
DetailsToday I’ll share with you a way I’ve found to integrate simple acts of creative living into my everyday life called Visual Feast, and it’s all about seeing your world through a fresh lens. Enjoy!
DetailsDo you ever feel like you’re in a creative rut? As a person who’s been painting for twenty-five years, I know I’ve been in many a rut over the years, but I always seem to dig myself out, and here’s how. Today I share about how I’ve been getting the creative juices flowing again!
DetailsIf you’re seeking more freedom in your creative expression, you’re not alone. Today on my blog I share a downloadable PDF with my favorite tips to invite more freedom into your paintings!
DetailsWe filmed this Session right after I taught a brand new workshop in New Mexico, so I was feeling all kinds of inspired to try out some new ideas. If you’re interested in moving in new directions in your work, check this video out!
DetailsWith the constant onslaught of heartbreaking news, it’s easy to feel fearful and overwhelmed by the state of the world these days. It’s more important than ever to feed our souls a daily dose of uplifting stories, meaningful experiences, and creative inspiration.
DetailsIf you’ve ever struggled with finishing a painting or have a stack of unfinished paintings lying around, you’re not alone. If you’re interested in letting go of the old and welcoming the new, check this video out!
DetailsIt’s been so fun to share my approach to painting with the Creativebug community over the past year and to see so many people from around the world discovering their ability to paint intuitively. Learn more here!
DetailsToday on the blog I share my thoughts on loss, sadness, reverence, and gratitude. For as much as these moments hurt, they also invite a deep sense of connection to my own aliveness and compassion. Read more inside.
Details1440 is designed to invite more presence, awareness, and connection to what really matters in life, and I’m honored to be teaching a collaborative workshop with my dear friend, Cvita Mamic, called Beyond the Surface, October 15th – 20th.
DetailsIn this month’s Painting Session, I decided to step out of my comfort zone by embracing the world of pure abstraction, and I learned so much. What I found really interesting was how free this process actually made me feel. Take a peek inside!
DetailsIt took me years to find the words to describe some of the philosophies I use in my Brave Intuitive Painting process. In this week’s Hey Flora Episode, I’m happy to share this golden nugget with you.
DetailsInspired by the Creative Revolution E-Course and my ongoing quest to weave more creativity into everyday life, I’ve put together thirty fun prompts for you to explore during the month of September. Download the PDFs today in my blog!
DetailsI’m teaching a brand new course on Life Book 2018! Registration for Life Book opens on September 12. The giveaway is now over – thanks to all who entered!
DetailsAs I watch the incredible turbulence gripping the planet right now, I find myself dreaming about a radically different kind of future – one where our Earth is in balance and all living beings are treated with dignity and respect. This is where creativity comes in. Read more in my blog!
DetailsIn this Session, I explore something I’ve been inspired to try for some time, and the process results in a big breakthrough! If you’re curious about adding more mixed media elements and personal ephemera into your paintings, this Session is a must watch.
DetailsI’m getting ready to move into my new backyard studio, and this means I’m clearing house! I honestly haven’t put much effort into selling my original paintings for the past seven years, so this is a pretty rare and exciting moment in Flora history.
DetailsDesha Peacock joins us for a guest blog today to share some tips on how to create a space to do your art, even if you have a small space. In her new book, Your Creative Work Space, she interviewed Flora to learn how she’s created her own sweet spot work space, plus she’ll share some more sage advice from other creatives that were featured in the book.
DetailsIn this session, I added some spice to my painting process by creating a “Painting Prompts” game. As a result, the painting went through many interesting incarnations and eventually turned into something truly special and unique. Watch the video inside for sneak peek of the process!
DetailsIf you’ve ever wondered how, or if, making art and flexing your creative muscles contributes to the world in a truly impactful and meaningful way, you’re not alone. Watch the video to hear about the breakthrough I recently experienced when teaching a workshop in Northern California.
DetailsToday I have a little gift for you. My amazing right-hand gal, Tina, had the brilliant idea of creating some free downloadable gift tags for you, and voila — here they are!
DetailsFriends. I’ve noticed something about humans these days, and I’m guessing you’ve noticed it too. Whenever we have a spare moment that’s not filled with some kind of stimulation, we reach for our devices to fill the space. I’ve been working hard to set up new boundaries and create healthier patterns around my relationship to technology, and I’m happy to share some of my tricks with you today.
DetailsI cherish the days at the end of each year to reflect on all that’s transpired over the past twelve months and to consciously plant new intentions for the coming year. To honor this past year, I’m happy to share a few of my favorite creative tidbits, videos, interviews and downloadable PDFs from 2017.
DetailsLooking forward, I’ve been asking myself how to offer something that feels truly useful and inspiring, while also honoring my need for creative freedom, spaciousness and rest. I’ve come up with something that feels like the perfect solution. I’m calling it Real Time, and I made a little video to give you the scoop. Check it out here!
DetailsIt’s time to lift each other up! I meet so many amazing souls who have something truly unique to share. However, they often lack the practical bits like video equipment, an online platform, or an audience to receive their gifts. For years, I’ve dreamed about how I could collaboratively support these women to bring their extraordinary messages to a larger audience. Today I’ll talk about my newest online offering!
DetailsToday’s the day I get to introduce you to Niema Lightseed, one of the most gentle, soulful, and authentic women I know. Niema’s course, Medicinal Poetry: Using the Healing Art of Writing to Activate Your Inner Muse is the very first offering featured in The Collective, and it feels like the perfect way to kick off this new collaborative adventure. I know you’re going to love her.
DetailsIf you’re feeling in a rut with the imagery or shapes you’re using in your paintings, I’m happy to share one simple trick that might change everything. I remember the exact moment this concept occurred to me. It was about fifteen years ago, and I was out walking on my birthday with my sketchbook. Read the rest of the story in the blog!
DetailsCreativity is one of those things that requires you to step into some pretty uncharted territory, often with no plan at all. So, of course, you’re gonna be a little nervous — anything can happen out there on the wilds of your canvas! Today I’ll share with you some tips I’ve learned over there years that will hopefully breathe some fresh confidence beneath your creative wings.
DetailsAloha! I had the great fortune of spending the past two weeks filling my cup in beautiful Hawaii, and I’m happy to share some of the blessings I received along the way.
DetailsHave you ever wondered how to “find inspiration” from someone else’s art without copying or being overly derivative of their style? This is a great thing to think about! In this blog I talk about some of my favorite artists inspiring me right now, and how to cultivate your own personal style that sources inspiration while being uniquely yours.
DetailsIn the last couple weeks, I did two Live Q + A Sessions where I answered all kinds of fun questions about the creative process, art business, inspirations, offerings, and ya know, important things like my favorite shoes. Watch them here!
DetailsIf you are wondering how to balance imagery you’ve found in life while staying open to inspiration and change in the Brave Intuitive Painting process, this blog is for you!
DetailsI know the act of putting a price tag on our heartfelt creations and sending them out into the world can feel vulnerable and overwhelming. In today’s “Hey Flora”, I share my favorite tips for fairly pricing your artwork.
DetailsDiscover the freedom of self-expression and reconnect with your most vibrant, authentic self. Unlock 15% on soulful creative courses, and brighten your days with 12 unique downloadable desktop calendars.
Discover the freedom of self-expression and reconnect with your most vibrant, authentic self. Unlock 15% on soulful creative courses, and brighten your days with 12 unique downloadable desktop calendars.