Today I have a little gift for you. My amazing right-hand gal, Tina, had the brilliant idea of creating some free downloadable gift tags for you, and voila — here they are!
DetailsToday I have a little gift for you. My amazing right-hand gal, Tina, had the brilliant idea of creating some free downloadable gift tags for you, and voila — here they are!
DetailsDoors are now open to FREE FLO! Today I’m sharing a little video about this special community and offerings. I’d love to have you join us!
DetailsEnjoy these downloadable gift tags to cut out and stick to your presents for some extra creative flair this holiday season!
DetailsWho’s ready for a brand new year? I am. I am! I believe that strengthening our brave, intuitive muscles (both on and off the canvas) is more important than ever before, so to give you a little jumpstart of creative inspiration I’m happy to share some of my favorite videos with you.
DetailsIf you’re seeking more freedom in your creative expression, you’re not alone. Today on my blog I share a downloadable PDF with my favorite tips to invite more freedom into your paintings!
My schedule was clear, the air felt delicious and it was still light out at 9pm. I turned up the music, cleaned off my palette, lit a candle, burned some sage and hung a halfway finished painting on the wall. To be honest, I wasn’t feeling incredibly inspired, but typically I just need to START in order to find my rhythm.
So, I started…
I choose a few of my fave colors of the moment (grey, yellow, violet, magenta and white), and began to move the paint around. I tried out some of my signature moves, turned the canvas upside down and waited for the magic to take hold. Any minute now…
DetailsJoin Orly and I in the studio as we consider the topics of honesty, vulnerability, and bridging the gap between how we live and how we create.
DetailsHi friends.! Just a quick note to make sure you know about the special offer I am running on my Bloom True E-Course right now. If you register for the course before Dec. 19th, 2013, (that would be this Thursday), we will send you a gift voucher for another spot in the course. You…
DetailsHello, 2019! Today I’m sharing some of my favorite blogs from 2018 to inspire you for the coming year.
DetailsThis week I get personal and share about how grief has shaped me… and my painting process
When I received an invitation from Susannah Conway to participate in a blog series about the AWESOMENESS of aging, I got full body goose bumps, aka “truth bumps.”
How refreshing to focus on the positive aspects of aging, rather than replaying the same old, “how to hold onto your youth” conversation, over and over again.
DetailsDesha Peacock joins us for a guest blog today to share some tips on how to create a space to do your art, even if you have a small space. In her new book, Your Creative Work Space, she interviewed Flora to learn how she’s created her own sweet spot work space, plus she’ll share some more sage advice from other creatives that were featured in the book.
DetailsI'm guessing that many of you have already heard about this amazing new E-Course but just in case you haven't heard, I'm feeling moved to tell ya all about it. Why? Because I believe the world, especially the world of doing business, is in desparate need of a shift—a shift towards more passion, more purpose,…
DetailsIf you’ve ever wondered how to create your colors looking bright and fresh, while avoiding unwanted “muddy” colors, this episode of Hey Flora is here to help!
DetailsToday I’ll be sharing a painting demo with my tips on drips!
DetailsToday’s Hey, Flora! Episode is all about color… find out what colors I would take with me if I was stranded on a desert island!
DetailsIn today’s episode of “Hey, Flora!” I share my advice to young artist who are just starting out and want to become professional artists.
DetailsI recently had the honor of meeting teacher, artist, poet and founder of Intentional Creativity, Shiloh Sophia. I’m guessing many of you already know Shiloh, but if not, I’m honored to make the introduction.
About a month ago, Shiloh was in Portland teaching a workshop in my studio, so of course I had to steal her away to record a couple of couch chats in my living room. As suspected, we hit it off like dear old friends.
DetailsIf you’ve ever wondered how, or if, making art and flexing your creative muscles contributes to the world in a truly impactful and meaningful way, you’re not alone. Watch the video to hear about the breakthrough I recently experienced when teaching a workshop in Northern California.
DetailsHi everyone! In this week’s Hey Flora: Weekly Tidbits for Your Creative Adventure, I’m answering the question, “How do you title your paintings?” from Elias.
While there is certainly no formula for how to choose a title for a painting (in fact, titling your paintings is totally optional!), I’m happy to share a few of my own tricks for what can sometimes feel like tricky territory.
DetailsI often hear people say that FINISHING their intuitive paintings is the hardest part of the process. And I totally get it. I would LOVE to help you all with this, so in this week’s Hey Flora episode, I’m offering up a few helpful tips about finishing intuitive paintings.
DetailsIn this week’s Hey Flora, I answer a question from Grace, who writes in about the delicate dynamic of receiving unsolicited feedback.
Has this ever happened to you?
Someone sees your painting and spontaneously begins to offer tips, critiques, and ideas. Sometimes this advice is absolutely welcome, and sometimes — not so much.
DetailsI know the act of putting a price tag on our heartfelt creations and sending them out into the world can feel vulnerable and overwhelming. In today’s “Hey Flora”, I share my favorite tips for fairly pricing your artwork.
DetailsThe one regret I have in my career as an artist is that I didn’t professionally document my earlier paintings. In this week’s Hey Flora episode, I’m answering these questions, “When you’re documenting your work, how do you pay the photographer? Per photo, per session, per month? How does it all work?”
DetailsIf you’ve ever gotten stuck in your head in the middle of the painting process, you’re not alone. Today I’ve compiled some crucial tools to breathe life back into your paintings, so you can move forward courageously and confidently.
DetailsAs I watch the incredible turbulence gripping the planet right now, I find myself dreaming about a radically different kind of future – one where our Earth is in balance and all living beings are treated with dignity and respect. This is where creativity comes in. Read more in my blog!
DetailsI seriously cannot believe I have been home from Bali for almost a month already!
However, between jet-lag recovery, a sick week in bed, a rare five-day visit from my best friend and a week of catching up on piles of life and work, I guess it all pencils out. In some ways, the trip feels like a distant exotic dream at this point, but every time I burn one of my treasured Balinese incense sticks, I am magically transported right back to my tiny beloved island on the other side of the world. Swoon.
DetailsI am so pleased to share with you my new children’s book that I created with my dear friend Pixie Lighthorse!
DetailsI believe shifting creative gears is an essential part of staying inspired and developing your own unique style. Discover a fun creative exercise in today’s video in my blog!
Details1440 is designed to invite more presence, awareness, and connection to what really matters in life, and I’m honored to be teaching a collaborative workshop with my dear friend, Cvita Mamic, called Beyond the Surface, October 15th – 20th.
DetailsDo you ever feel like you’re in a creative rut? As a person who’s been painting for twenty-five years, I know I’ve been in many a rut over the years, but I always seem to dig myself out, and here’s how. Today I share about how I’ve been getting the creative juices flowing again!
DetailsToday I’m excited to tell you about the brand new book I created with my dear friend, Lynzee Lynx
DetailsI’m embarking on a fun new offering called, Hey Flora: Weekly Tidbits for Your Creative Adventure, and I’m happy to share the very first episode with you today!
In each Hey Flora episode, I’ll answer one burning (or not so burning) question about my Brave Intuitive Painting process or creative entrepreneurship. I’ll share these short videos each Monday’s through my News, Art, Love newsletter.
DetailsI’m happy to say I’ve been on a bit of a painting roll over the past few days. My inspiration has been striking late at night when it’s super quiet and cool and my intention has been to explore new territory, have fun and play. Aaaaaaaaand, guess what? Every time I approach my work with this attitude (ie: not making it MEAN more than simply playing with colors and marks), rad new things seem to transpire. (note to self).
DetailsThere’s something pretty magical about watching an intuitive painting come to life from start to finish. To offer you a front row seat to this mesmerizing experience, I’ve created a unique online offering called The Painting Sessions.
DetailsI love this time of year for all the obvious reasons…the coziness, the boots and scarves, the deliciousness of gathering with friends around a fire, the steamy drinks. You know, all the usual suspects. However, the real magic of this time of year comes for me in the form of gratitude and time for deep soul reflection (i.e. getting my priorities straight). I’ve been doing quite a bit of both lately.
DetailsLooking forward, I’ve been asking myself how to offer something that feels truly useful and inspiring, while also honoring my need for creative freedom, spaciousness and rest. I’ve come up with something that feels like the perfect solution. I’m calling it Real Time, and I made a little video to give you the scoop. Check it out here!
DetailsI’m so excited to share a new idea with you!
(I think you’re gonna like it).
The inspiration for ‘Bloom True TRIBE’ comes directly from my students who often share the most beautiful tales of transformation with me.
DetailsI am continually in awe of the amazing tribe of students I have all over the world, and the truly transformational stories they share with me about their Bloom True experience. In an effort to spread their inspiration and good juju beyond my own head space and email box (and to connect you all to…
DetailsFriends. I’ve been keeping this excitement under wraps for awhile, but today is the day I finally get to share it with you!
A few months ago, I had the pleasure of filming a three-part Intuitive Painting class in my Portland studio with the fine folks from Creativebug, and my first class is launching today!
If you’re not already in the know, allow me to fill you in on the sweetest deal ever. This awesome site offers you access to hundreds of art classes for just $4.95/month…
DetailsIt’s time for a little show and tell. The first week of the Creative Revolution E-Course has been so fantastic! And today I’m excited to give you a little peek inside the revolution by sharing some of the words and creations of my students.
DetailsIt’s time to lift each other up! I meet so many amazing souls who have something truly unique to share. However, they often lack the practical bits like video equipment, an online platform, or an audience to receive their gifts. For years, I’ve dreamed about how I could collaboratively support these women to bring their extraordinary messages to a larger audience. Today I’ll talk about my newest online offering!
DetailsOne of my favorite ways to explore new territory and keep things interesting is to mix up my own new colors.
In one of this month’s videos, I share a few super easy tips on how to mix your own colors. Mixing colors is such an awesome way to keep the spark of inspiration alive in your work. It’s also a powerful way to set your paintings apart with colors that are all your own.
I’m happy to give you an idea of what you will find in each Studio Diary by offering you a free peek at this month’s Color Mixing video.
DetailsToday I’m sharing about a very special event called, The Gathering of the Creatives, in Santa Fe, September 20 – 22, 2019. I would love for you to join me!
DetailsToday I’m sharing a video about the purpose of creativity in these times, as well as an invitation to join me live at the Omega Institute!
DetailsThis post is part of my friend Hannah Marcotti’s The Joy Up Stories Series. The Joy Up begins August 1st (that’s tomorrow!) with hundreds of women who are ready to claim their joy and deepen love, ritual, trust and rhythm. Join in the joy by clicking here.
DetailsIn this week’s Hey Flora: Weekly Tidbits for Your Creative Adventure, I offer some simple ways to keep your colors fresh, while staying in your creative flow.
If you’ve ever struggled with muddy colors or experienced creative block, this one’s for you!
Four years ago, I was invited to teach my very first painting class at Squam Art Workshops in New Hampshire.
Although I had never shared my painting philosophies before (or even considered doing so for that matter), the timing felt divine.
I was ready for a shift.
DetailsI’m happy to say I’ve been on a bit of a painting roll over the past few days. My inspiration has been striking late at night when it’s super quiet and cool and my intention has been to explore new territory, have fun and play. Aaaaaaaaand, guess what? Every time I approach my work with this attitude (ie: not making it MEAN more than simply playing with colors and marks), rad new things seem to transpire. (note to self).
DetailsWe called it, “Bloom True Moves.” It was an experiment in collaboration. It was new territory. And it was deeply healing. From our opening circle it was obvious that this group of 18 women were ready to step into something new. The feeling in the room was palpable—the feeling was one of readiness.
DetailsDiscover the freedom of self-expression and reconnect with your most vibrant, authentic self. Unlock 15% on soulful creative courses, and brighten your days with 12 unique downloadable desktop calendars.
Discover the freedom of self-expression and reconnect with your most vibrant, authentic self. Unlock 15% on soulful creative courses, and brighten your days with 12 unique downloadable desktop calendars.