Today I’m sharing all 17 Hey Flora episodes in one place! Get ready for some serious inspiration and answers to your burning questions inside.
DetailsToday I’m sharing all 17 Hey Flora episodes in one place! Get ready for some serious inspiration and answers to your burning questions inside.
DetailsOne of the most meaningful days of my recent retreat in Bali was our Giveback Day, and I’m so happy a little bit about it with you here.
DetailsIt’s that time of year again – 25% off all of my online courses and prints! November 22nd – 29th.
DetailsWelcome to our final two days of Bloom True Boot Camp…woohoo, YAY, we did it!
I want to thank you so much for joining me on this month-long creative journey. What started out as tiny flash of inspiration during a swim in a lake turned into such a beautiful and inspiring creative global adventure.
Your posts, pictures and reflections have brought me so much joy and reminded me (once again) how powerful it is to join together with like-hearted people dedicated to their creative paths and waking spirits. {{THANK YOU}}.
DetailsHi friends. It’s GIVEAWAY time around here, and I want to make sure you are all in the know! We are excited to be giving away TEN FREE PLACES for the upcoming Bloom True E-Course beginning on May 12th, but here’s the deal…we want you to nominate someone else to win the prize! Why? …
DetailsIt’s time to celebrate!!
Whohoo! I’m super excited to announce the winners for the Bloom True E-Course Giveaway, but first let me just say WOW…wow wow wow.
We had over 430 incredible nominations for ten tiny gifted spots, and the nominations were all so heartfelt, so sincere, soooo hard to choose! (need a little pick me up?…read these stories.).
DetailsThe amazing Miss Robyn Kautz It is with great pleasure that I am finally able to share with you a very special project I have been dreaming into creation for months— Bloom True Moves! I am thrilled to join forces with two of my favorite movers who also happen to be two of the most…
DetailsAnother batch of paintings and testimonials from my online course. Next course starts on June 11th! "Learned a lot about play,play, play..and let go! That is the right path I would take. My paintings came to the surface float without any effort. Thanks!" Yvon van Bergen -Yvon van Bergen "I work in collage and…
Details"I loved learning all the layering/mark making techniques… I think I am most proud of this painting as I really took my time with it and tried to listen to it unfold." Nathalie Vachon As promised, here is the first glimpse of some paintings that emerged from my first ever Bloom True online course. I…
DetailsContinuing to share some of the work produced in my first Bloom True online course. The next course starts in just eight days, and there is still time to join! "Learning Flora's intuitive painting process has been quite profound. It re-connected me to the most important part of my being-my passionate, creative heart. Incredible!" -Loren…
Details"I sell most of my paintings, but I think this one I will keep. It is very special for me." Conni Altmann Sharing some more of the lovely paintings and testimonials that have come out of the Bloom True E-Course. Next class starts June 11! I "Bloom True is an incredible journey of painting through…
DetailsBloom True the E-Course starts TOMORROW!
Kick off your year by treating yourself to this very special gift.
Five weeks to tune in, get messy and connect with your true self.
It’s a course about intuitive painting. But it is so much more than that.
DetailsToday is a big day around here. It’s the very first day of “school” for my latest group of Bloom True E-Course students and excitement is in the air! In honor of this new brave beginning, I’m sharing some of the awesome work and reflections from past bloomers. Gotta admit, I’m pretty proud of them — you’ll see why.
DetailsWe just couldn’t stand not rewarding all the brave entries who dared to make a video so we’re offering free spots to ALL who entered! The top five we chose for the Love Bomb paint + goody bags are here…congratulations everyone and THANK YOU for making Bloom Trueapalooza such a joy!
DetailsHi ya’ll. Thought I’d share a little eye candy with you today. I seriously cannot get enough of the magical blooming flowers in Portland these day. The latest gorgeousness courtesy of POPPIES and IRISES. Thank you nature for all the inspiration!
Sharing seven soulful days of painting, laughing and connecting with sixteen amazing women gathered from all parts of the globe (U.S., Canada, Honduras and South Africa), has left me, once again, in a state of gratitude and awe for the work I get to do in this world.
Although an incredible amount of energy goes into creating these special retreats, I can’t think of anything more rewarding than being a part of the beautiful transformations I witnessed here this week…on and off the canvas.
DetailsI must admit that trying to convey the magnitude of magic that was present during our week-long workshop in Mexico is a little daunting, but here goes… Yep, that's San Miguel de Allende, a beautiful gem of a city nestled in the Sierra Madres Mountains and fondly referred to as El Corazon de Mexico (the…
DetailsIt's official people. My first book, "Brave Intuitive Painting" has hit the shelves—it's time to celebrate! Creating this book was truly an act of love, a deep journey of the soul and one of the most challenging things I've ever done. I poured myself into this baby, and I'm so excited to share it with…
DetailsToday I’m unveiling a brand new painting video, which my friend Zippy recorded while I was working on a recent commission. Watch it here!
DetailsIn this week’s Hey Flora: Weekly Tidbits for Your Creative Adventure, I’m sharing a few insights into how I was able to make money from my art in the early days of my career.
If starting a business as an artist feels overwhelming or straight up impossible, this one’s for you!
For more in-depth conversations about art, biz and busting the starving artist myth, head on over to my Press Page, and scroll down to the bottom of the page for interviews. I recommend starting with The Creative Entrepreneur, Luna Jaffe, and the Abundant Artist!
DetailsIt’s been so fun to share my approach to painting with the Creativebug community over the past year and to see so many people from around the world discovering their ability to paint intuitively. Learn more here!
After four years of fairly intense globe-trotting to spread the Bloom True love, I’m shifting gears and rooting down in my hometown of Portland, OR.
In support of this grand shift, I moved out of my little backyard studio into a large and lovely (like woah) studio nestled in a groovy creative industrial area about ten minutes from my house. I feel beyond blessed to have found such a magical space that is EXACTLY what I envisioned, hoped and prayed to find.
DetailsToday I’ll share with you a way I’ve found to integrate simple acts of creative living into my everyday life called Visual Feast, and it’s all about seeing your world through a fresh lens. Enjoy!
DetailsHi. I'm so glad you are still here even though I've been such a "bad blogger" lately. To be honest, I've had this snarky little voice running through my head whining, "I don't wanna blog. I don't wanna talk about my life online. I only want to ride my bike through Portland's sunshiny streets and…
DetailsA peek a peek at some of the incredible work that Fresh Paint students have been creating!
DetailsDoors are now open to FREE FLO! Today I’m sharing a little video about this special community and offerings. I’d love to have you join us!
DetailsI’m happy to share my very first collaborative mural project created in collaboration with a wonderful group of kids at Taman Permata Hati Orphanage in Ubud, Bali.
DetailsToday I’ll share a time-lapse video of the creation of my most recent painting commission!
DetailsToday I’m sharing some of my favorite podcasts, a special playlist I created for you, and TWO downloadable desktop calendars to choose from!
DetailsIf you’re looking for some fresh podcast action, I’ve got ya covered with some of my favorites, as well as some of your favorites compiled from a recent Facebook post on this very topic.
DetailsSeptember’s Diary is all about Creative Business with Heart. In this Diary, we’ll dive into my favorite practical and intuitive tools to support a soulful, sustainable and successful creative business.
Every Diary also includes a special Diving Deeper Podcast where I share my thoughts on questions from the Studio Diaries community. The podcast this month is SO full of great questions about creative business, I’m happy to share the entire recording with you right here. Enjoy!
DetailsInspired by the Creative Revolution E-Course and my ongoing quest to weave more creativity into everyday life, I’ve put together thirty fun prompts for you to explore during the month of September. Download the PDFs today in my blog!
DetailsWe’re Kinda Blown Away Over Here.
Thanks to you, my second book, Creative Revolution: Personal Transformation through Brave Intuitive Painting, has been sitting at the TOP of the “Hot New Releases in Acrylic Painting” list for the last two weeks!
Seriously you guys, what an honor. THANK YOU for trusting in this new vision and for pre-ordering the book months in advance. I cannot wait till you have it in your hot little hands.
As a tiny token of my appreciation, I’m happy to send love-packed boxes of Flora goodies to these three awesome Giveaway winners:
DetailsI’ve got some BIG news for ya’ll today.
My second book, Creative Revolution: Personal Transformation through Brave Intuitive Painting, is now available for pre-order and will be a real life book you can hold in your hands this Fall.
DetailsDecember’s fresh downloadable images to inspire you and your community!
DetailsToday I’m sharing a treasure chest of all of the downloadable desktop wallpapers for 2023! Enjoy, friends.
DetailsThere are so many wonderful new art books coming out these days—it's awesome. I love that artists are getting a chance to offer the world their unique perspectives and techniques and that so many students are able to learn from these inspiring people—inpiration at our fingertips! I recently had the pleasure of reading Traci Bautista's…
DetailsHi friends….and greetings from beautiful San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
I’m in the midst of fulfilling a dream I’ve had for awhile to live and paint in this magical mountain town, and I’m happy to say it’s finally happening!
This is not my first time here. For the past two years, I’ve taught workshops in San Miguel, each time craving more time to soak up the colors and vibrant culture here and to translate this inspiration into my own paintings. I’ll be teaching here again next week, but first…some me time.
DetailsA little story about finding freedom on my recent trip to New Mexico. Enjoy!
DetailsOne of the most challenging things I’ve ever done in my life was to step in front of a video camera to create my Bloom True online course. It pretty much brought up all my deepest fears:
The fear of being seen. The fear of being heard. And, the fear of being judged.
[yep, triple wammie…and one that I wrote about right HERE.]
DetailsQuestion: Is there something you have always wanted to do that lingers in the back of your mind…whispering? I actually have a bit of a choir going on up there, so much to do in this one short life. But I’m happy to say I just checked off one lil’ desire: TRAPEZE & AERIAL…
DetailsIn this session, I dive into my Brave Intuitive Painting Process. As always, there were many unexpected twists and turns along the way, and I’m happy to share it all with you in this month’s Painting Session.
DetailsI’m happy to share a little sneak peek of Episode Four of The Painting Sessions. This painting was inspired by all the little paintings I’ve been doing at home lately. I started the first layer by using an exercise I call, Musical Lines, and it definitely provided a pretty exciting breakthrough for me!
DetailsI’m happy to let you all know that Episode Three of The Painting Sessions is ready to roll, and it’s a goooood one! Enjoy this sneak peek.
DetailsAfter much consideration and reflection on your feedback, I’ve decided to make a few really exciting shifts in my monthly offering. Starting on November 1st, Studio Diaries will be called The Painting Sessions, and the focus of each month will be on…you guessed it…painting!
DetailsBesides, “What kind of dog is Pearl?” there are two questions I hear on a regular basis:
“Where do you find inspiration, and how do you stay inspired?”
I could happily riff on these gems for days, but I’ll keep it clear and to the point in this week’s Hey Flora Episode.
And by the way, Peal is a Maremma Sheepdog! 🙂
DetailsThis month’s Studio Diary is all about finding your own style (aka a super hot topic), and so many unique paintings are being born as a result!
Seriously ya’ll, good stuff is happening, and I couldn’t be more proud of all the folks who are really embracing this theme and discovering their own style along the way.
To get more of a feel for the videos, I’m happy to offer you a four clips from this month’s Creative Exercises. To watch the sample videos, simply click the images below and enjoy!
DetailsToday I created a series of downloadable images for you to share and enjoy!
DetailsDiscover the freedom of self-expression and reconnect with your most vibrant, authentic self. Unlock 15% on soulful creative courses, and brighten your days with 12 unique downloadable desktop calendars.
Discover the freedom of self-expression and reconnect with your most vibrant, authentic self. Unlock 15% on soulful creative courses, and brighten your days with 12 unique downloadable desktop calendars.