A little story about finding freedom on my recent trip to New Mexico. Enjoy!
DetailsA little story about finding freedom on my recent trip to New Mexico. Enjoy!
DetailsToday I am excited to share tips about moving through blocks to finish a painting.
DetailsI’m so happy to share some of my new work and photos from my recent trip to Morocco!
DetailsI’m a big believer in the power of sharing our personal stories, and I finally feel ready to share this one with you. Thank you for allowing my vulnerability.
Behind the scenes of painting and teaching and all that I do, I’ve been on a very tender fertility journey for the past four years. As I moved through the rollercoaster of it all, I felt the need to keep it very private…until now.
DetailsAloha! I had the great fortune of spending the past two weeks filling my cup in beautiful Hawaii, and I’m happy to share some of the blessings I received along the way.
DetailsToday’s the day I get to introduce you to Niema Lightseed, one of the most gentle, soulful, and authentic women I know. Niema’s course, Medicinal Poetry: Using the Healing Art of Writing to Activate Your Inner Muse is the very first offering featured in The Collective, and it feels like the perfect way to kick off this new collaborative adventure. I know you’re going to love her.
DetailsIt’s time to lift each other up! I meet so many amazing souls who have something truly unique to share. However, they often lack the practical bits like video equipment, an online platform, or an audience to receive their gifts. For years, I’ve dreamed about how I could collaboratively support these women to bring their extraordinary messages to a larger audience. Today I’ll talk about my newest online offering!
DetailsLooking forward, I’ve been asking myself how to offer something that feels truly useful and inspiring, while also honoring my need for creative freedom, spaciousness and rest. I’ve come up with something that feels like the perfect solution. I’m calling it Real Time, and I made a little video to give you the scoop. Check it out here!
DetailsI cherish the days at the end of each year to reflect on all that’s transpired over the past twelve months and to consciously plant new intentions for the coming year. To honor this past year, I’m happy to share a few of my favorite creative tidbits, videos, interviews and downloadable PDFs from 2017.
DetailsFriends. I’ve noticed something about humans these days, and I’m guessing you’ve noticed it too. Whenever we have a spare moment that’s not filled with some kind of stimulation, we reach for our devices to fill the space. I’ve been working hard to set up new boundaries and create healthier patterns around my relationship to technology, and I’m happy to share some of my tricks with you today.
DetailsIf you’ve ever wondered how, or if, making art and flexing your creative muscles contributes to the world in a truly impactful and meaningful way, you’re not alone. Watch the video to hear about the breakthrough I recently experienced when teaching a workshop in Northern California.
I thought, “This is it. This is what it means to really love. It is art of the highest order.”
If you have been following along with me on Facebook and Instagram recently, you know I have been sharing a deeply personal story — a story of love. My dear friend and professional photographer, Tara Morris, also documented my journey in this beautiful and intimate blog post.
After four years of fairly intense globe-trotting to spread the Bloom True love, I’m shifting gears and rooting down in my hometown of Portland, OR.
In support of this grand shift, I moved out of my little backyard studio into a large and lovely (like woah) studio nestled in a groovy creative industrial area about ten minutes from my house. I feel beyond blessed to have found such a magical space that is EXACTLY what I envisioned, hoped and prayed to find.
Four years ago, I was invited to teach my very first painting class at Squam Art Workshops in New Hampshire.
Although I had never shared my painting philosophies before (or even considered doing so for that matter), the timing felt divine.
I was ready for a shift.
This sweet reminder was offered up by my yoga teacher yesterday. In fact, remembering to enjoy the experience was the focus of the entire class. We were given permission to throw away strict yoga “rules” and ideas about what the practice was supposed to look like. Instead, we were encouraged to move and breathe in a way that simply….FELT GOOD.
Ah yes. That.
When I received an invitation from Susannah Conway to participate in a blog series about the AWESOMENESS of aging, I got full body goose bumps, aka “truth bumps.”
How refreshing to focus on the positive aspects of aging, rather than replaying the same old, “how to hold onto your youth” conversation, over and over again.
DetailsDiscover the freedom of self-expression and reconnect with your most vibrant, authentic self. Unlock 15% on soulful creative courses, and brighten your days with 12 unique downloadable desktop calendars.
Discover the freedom of self-expression and reconnect with your most vibrant, authentic self. Unlock 15% on soulful creative courses, and brighten your days with 12 unique downloadable desktop calendars.